Accounts Receivables

Leave your Accounts Receivable worries on us. We have the knowledge and expertise to augment your business performance. We examine your denied claims, unpaid claims and low payments and in a timely manner follow up with insurances. Our expert team ensures proper coding audits to increase your revenues and reduce turnaround time. We follow up and appeal for low payments, unpaid or denied claims to reduce your accounts receivable.

Our AR services includes:

Patient Ledger Audit– We look into patient ledgers and research transactions up to two years. This we do to verify errors in patient ledger postings and inaccuracies in the balances.

Appeal Letters Requesting Payment-We send appeal letters, emails and faxes to insurance companies to resolve claims, send attachments missing in the initial billing, appeals for low payments etc. 

Timely Accountability Reports-Our office will always keep you posted with daily emails and weekly summaries. In our daily and weekly reports, we will summarize and update you on whom we contacted, number of letters sent, phone calls made, benefits verified, money collected, current patient accounts receivables, shortfalls in the billing etc. Due to our efforts, the front desks will have complete information before hand on patient copays and unpaid claims thus improving patients portion collections in a timely and regular manner.