We at Empar provide you with expert Dental Billing Services. Our specialized administrative support system will relieve you of your staff issues like staff not showing up, claims not being sent in an orderly and accurate manner, proper attachments not being sent with the claims, claims that have passed the timely filing limit, short falls in the claims or training of staff. With us you can focus on patients and their treatment. We ensure you get paid for your hard work and for providing meticulous treatment to the patients.
Empar offers customized solutions for large and small practices. Our comprehensive, HIPAA-compliant dental billing services include:
- Eligibility / benefits verification
- Sending Claims
- Posting EOBs, EFTs/Payment, adjudication, adjustments and denial processing
- Primary and Secondary Claims submitted
- Coding and audits
- Reconciling of accounts
- Appealing Claims
- A/R follow-up and collections